chicken burrito
Originally uploaded by BigFreaky.
I am asking all who will add some funny captions to this photo I took at a Rampage Arena Football game. Please Family friendly. Thanks!
I am asking all who will add some funny captions to this photo I took at a Rampage Arena Football game. Please Family friendly. Thanks!
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Mookie who is our newest addition to the family, has turned out to be a great cat. Not like it is to be not expected. Animals do great when they are shown attention, and not yelled at, and of course given food all the time. He is the largest cat that has ever been in my family in my lifetime. I think he also might be the only male cat as well. He is quite an armful. I have been in the process of "mauling" him into submission to be able to hold him like a baby. Our other cat has been held like that since forever and does not mind it at all. But he is a little stronger willed. The previous owner did not hold him like that I don't think, just over her shoulder. She also had something like another 3 cats, and a huge old and loud dog. I don't think he cared for that very much. He is now totally at peace, and will lay anywhere stretched out without a care in the world. I have also been "talking" to him a lot, and he has picked up on that as well, and talks back frequently. When I return home from work, or enter a room. It is very funny, he makes a cute noise. But deep down, I think maybe he is just being "nice" so I will keep giving him food, and those feather toys he loves so much.