BigFreaky - View my recent photos on Flickriver

Saturday, July 19, 2008

easy like a Saturday Morning.....???

Here I am just sitting at my computer on a Saturday morning. Actually its still Friday night, cuz I have not gone to sleep. I got a new lens in the mail today from eBay. It cost .99 cents, but had 9 dollar shipping. But still a 10 dollar lens is awesome! I really want to go shooting with it, but it is night time... and that doesn't work out so well all the time. I think it might rain today, when I am ready to go out. But that might not stop me. I am so geeked to use my lens, I might have to hide under trees to get some shots. The photo bug has bitten me seriously since purchasing my new camera (which is good) but I am not coming away with many photos I like. I hope I am not becoming a photo snob. As someone so eloquently put it. I want to take photos that I and other people will both like. I know I am not going to get shots that have never been done before, but I want to get shots that might not have been seen so often. I am going to Vegas and then NYC in the next month, and I really hope my skills and luck will be up for both of those adventures, because I really want to bring back some good shots to share with everyone. Feel free to see how I progress in the learning of my new camera on my flickr site. You will have to register if you want to comment. Please do so, it is awesome when I know peoples feelings about a certain shot. Good or Bad. Thats it for now!


Anonymous said...

why'd you delete your most recent post?

BigFreaky said...

The most recent post was not from me... it came as spam.
