BigFreaky - View my recent photos on Flickriver

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last Blog of the year

Ok so I had like what... 5 or 6 blogs this year??? well.. it happens and will probably continue to happen. But in the Next year I am hoping to improve some things in my life. Of course we all think/plan/hope that will happen. But a lot of things have to be done by ones self. So lets see how it goes. The end of this year I have added some new family members however, they will surely play a part in the next year. They still don't have names yet.... hopefully soon. But I introduce the pigs!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I started shooting photos for a local Radio station (WSNX) this week. Tuesdays at Taphouse. Check them out!!! You can keep checking the station website for future updates!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Just updated the site with Vol. 2 for Anime Expo 09

random pic of post

This is an excerpt from another project I am working on...

Friday, September 4, 2009

★ Ichiban Kawaii ★ has gotten a serious photo upgrade!! New pics to be seen!
Check it out!

random pic of post

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by BigFreaky.

The other week I attended Anime Expo in Los Angeles. It was AMAZING! My first trip to LA was great. I got to see Morning Musume (モーニング娘。) perform for the first time on US soil (excluding Hawaii). The Expo was great, Morning Musume was great. I also met some friends from a Jpop/Kpop/Morning Musume/Ishikawa Rika forum being who were also great! The set of Anime Expo is growing daily. I have well over 1500 photos left to be processed from it, and will put my favorites on flickr and the rest (with favorites) on when they are complete. So keep an eye out for that. In the mean time thanks to everyone for supporting all I do!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dreams of Scorpions

Waking up covered in blood and makeup....
Just another day right??

of course...

Let me reflect if I can on last night...

Monster and Vodka... that pretty much sums it up.

The dreams of scorpions in my bed wasn't very fun though..

from internet a interpretation

"scorpions represent a situation in your waking life which may have been painful or hurtful. It is also indicative of destructive feelings, "stinging" remarks, bitter words and/or negative thoughts being expressed by or aimed against you. Your dream forewarns of a self-destructive and self-defeating path. The scorpion is also a symbol of death and rebirth. You need to get rid of the old and make room for something new."

pure meltdown


Monday, April 13, 2009

Website / Facebook

I recently gave my photo website an overhaul Ichiban Kawaii It now contains galleries of recent club outings, and will contain more adventures in the future. There will be MANY new updates in the futere, now that I have everything in working order I can keep it up to date. I have also created a facebook group, so if we are friends on FB, please add me.

Thanks to everyone for your support!

Liquid fueled photography!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Time for some Salad

It has now been 1 week since I started going Veggie, and there has not been really any problems. I have so far only been tempted once! That was at a Square Dancing party that was held by the friend of a friend, that my friend had made online. Did you catch that? I hope so. But either way it more solidifies my belief that the internet is great! Oh but I got off track there... The meat temptation came when at the party there were lots of yummy snacks. Some meat discs as an example. But the main thing that got me was the pulled pork that was brimming in the crock pot in the kitchen. It smelled so delicious. But I overcame it! I did however eat a whole bowl of mini carrots!

So begins another week.. and I think I am gonna go grab a salad... go figure!

Random pic from Flickr this time is...
Punk Rock

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

VeggieHead March on!

Yesterday I went to the store and purchased somethings I have never purchased in my life! I will not mention these things, for possible embarrassment. ;p I purchased a few items that were "fake meat" and will try them soon. One item however I bought was the Morningstar Farms® Spicy Black Bean Veggie Burgers. I had these the other night, and they were quite delicious. I really don't think it was the incredible hunger I had after returning home from the bar that made it so tasty. I think there might be a possibly genuine taste in there. I will have one very soon and report back. If anything first signs of Veggie Burgers lead to positive, and that is exactly what I needed. A jump start to my month of Vegetarianism!

random pic of the post:

The only thing in my fridge

A view inside my fridge...

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Madness that is My March

Yet another blog and decision I think that is based on fuzzy logic. This time I can only blame the alcoholism and not sickness (I think). But to the point I go...

During the month of March I am going to be a veggie. A vegetarian is what I am going to be. I think the main reason is that I am trying so many new things lately, the only way I am going to 'really' try some new things is to do this. Partly to learn about some new and possible healthy alternatives. Even some things that could be delicious. I just have to not have the choice of tasty animals.

I had talked to one of my friends and she discussed about being a bad vegetarian. I mean you can be a vegetarian, but eat nothing but pasta/pizza/and mozzarella sticks/ect. Which are all delicious, but if you only eat that, its not going to work.

Just trying my hand at a little bit of better living. I don't foresee being able to be a Veggie forever, somethings are just too good.

Any help with hints/tips/recipes would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all and wish me luck.

Random pic of the post:

Ready for a Statick night @Mulligans

Friday, February 27, 2009

Post 100!

Here is the most non-epic 100th Blog post evar!

I just wanted to give a quick update of things.

So far this year my severance from my job has run out, I have collected my first unemployment check. I have traveled to Las Vegas and New Orleans (Mardi Gras). I have continually met awesome people and done incredible things! Some of the people I have met along the way have surprised me, both good and bad. Some just blowing my mind.

I have taken more pics this year so far, then some people will take in their entire lives. I am having a wonderful time taking all these photos, and continually learning how to take better and more creative pictures.

Web 2.0 has been stale, but not at the same time. Lately I am adding people that live near me, and not across the USA or the world. This is both good, but also bad as well. I am building relationships at home, which is a little better on my wallet (maybe). But this doesn't allow me so much to spread out my wings.

Big things are in store for this year.
New Chapters are beginning.
Lets see what happens!!

Random picture included.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Originally uploaded by BigFreaky.

Begin my Trip to New Orleans! I will try my best to blog during the trip... but you never know... of course you can always check my Flickr for the most current updates of the world I see.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Time off...

So somewhere between alcohol infused ideas, and the onset of sickness, I made a decision to take off a works week worth of my much used internet sites. Those sites were Flickr, twitter, MySpace, and facebook. I am not really sure what insanity drove me to this place, but it did... I do not know if it was for selfish reasons, or reasons that were not even made by myself. But I did it, I survived, and so did the rest of the world. Yes, I do know that the world does revolve around me, but it too can survive a week with out me constantly checking up on it.

What have I learned? Nothing... What was accomplished? Nothing...

I guess I did write a review or two on yelp. But I am not sure what good that does :)

Back to the cyberworld I am sprung, I now too, can continue with life.

and random image for this post is:
DJ's a Gangsta!
DJ Jason Ash is a Gangsta!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

エッグズ LIVE (almost...)

The characters for the E.G.G.S. podcast have been created and are ready to roll when the first Ep. is recorded. Could possibly be tonight! Keep your Eggs Peeled!

Friday, January 30, 2009

While searching on the internet....

I think this could be the how 80% of blogs should start. With the words "while searching on the internet..." But anyways...

I was searching on the internet on the correct key combo for how to type some "often" used foreign letters. i.e. (ä,ß,é) Ya know, so you can type Everyday words like Jägermeister, Scheiß, and Pokémon! Now don't lie, I know you use these words everyday!


The point of this blog post was really to share a website where you can live out fantasies of being that 13 year old, WoW playing, Doritos eating, Living in your parents basement, trash talking smacktard. Well maybe not, but you can still look like a douche bag doing it.

¡ǝɯɐu ʎɯ ǝsɹnɔ oʇ ǝɹns ǝʞɐɯ puɐ 'sıɥʇ ƃuısn ʇǝǝʍʇ ʇsɹıɟ ɹnoʎ ǝʞɐɯ puɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ ʇno oƃ ʇsnɾ ʍou ¿ƃuıʎouuɐ ʇı ʇ,usı ¡sıɥʇ ǝʞıן ʇıɥ$ ǝdʎʇ puɐ ǝʇıs sıɥʇ oʇ oƃ uɐɔ ooʇ noʎ os

sorry I just had to do it... hate me all the more, but remember I ♥ you all!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Damn Windows Mobile and gmail IMAP

Light Please
Originally uploaded by BigFreaky.

The picture has nothing to do with the Post here, but since all I do is Photography now a days here is the most recent upload.

Anyways to the point of this post, is the affliction that is Windows Mobile and Imap email setup via Gmail.

When trying to add a gmail account to a Windows Mobile device, upon entering that it is a gmail address, the windows device will automatically set up most of the connections for you. Which is a major pain if you want to use the imap feature of gmail. But who doesn't? Basically you will have to trick the Windows device into not automatically configuring the settings for the email. Other then rambling on about it.. I will just off the link, because we all know that google rules the world.
